Thursday 11 February 2010

A ride to Deal with pictures.

Thought I would show you my spanners. Needed to pull my gear cable through a bit before I left. My road bike requires such low maintenance compared to my mountain bike. I must remember to adjust my pedal as one makes my right shoe squeak. I wear the same shoes on my mountain bike with no squeak, so by process of elimination it must be my road bike pedal!

Hicks Forstall I find I ride down this road a lot it is a conduit to many rides.

This boatyard at Grove ferry is something else, it used to have a Morris Traveller under a load of stuff, but I noticed it had gone, so this junk does shift or has a turn over?

I see these sign posts and now and again I just go 'yeh, I'll see what that place looks like'. I should do it more but for some reason I regard it as time wasting??.

I always take a photo of this windmill every time I go past. In fact I go past it to take a photo of it on most road bike rides.

The Power Station: I like the to twin this with the windmill, so take a photo every ride. It pretty much dominates the east Kent landscape. I should do some drawings of it!

And I deliberately decided not to go down Hicks Forstall on the final section of the ride home, as I thought I wanted to look at the horses instead. Now, what would your mountain bike mates say if you said 'Guys I wont to go down here and pat those horses on the nose'. FECK OFF EQUIPHILE.

Apart from Andy whose road bike is still where he left in bits in his garage, there are no guys who step off and just look at stuff. Which reminds me, no one over-took me on the ride, which was hard on the way back as the wind was against me.

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